Skirting round the issue

So recently I went on a bit of a shopping spree, and didn’t realise it until I got back and lay out all my purchases, but…

I’m skirt obsessed!

Skirts like these ones are just so great because I can wear them to work, to go for dinner, for shopping… they’re just so easy and I’m in love     ❤

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Most of the ones I found were in Zara.  It’s strange because back home in the UK I found that Zara skirts didn’t hang very well on me around the waist, and I don’t know if it’s just me, but the ones here in Paris fitted perfectly! (Almost worth the 30 min queue to try them on, remind me never to go shopping on rue de Rivoli on a saturday afternoon again!!)

Also Zara has a new concession called Trafaluc which is unbelievably cheap.  The aztec print skirt and the pencil skirt were both only €15! Amazing!

Another great thing with these skirts is that they go with so many different tops, and every time you mix it up it’s a new outfit, so I’m hoping these will last me a little while before I start to get bored of them.

Below our links to buy the same skirts and a few more that I found online (I really want that blue one…)

Bag a Bargain

topshop skirt daisy maria harvey 5039090060_1_1_1 0881073715_1_1_1

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Hey Big Spender!

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